Our diocese has adopted family based catechesis, this means that the parents are the primary instructors in the faith for their children. The Archdiocese uses its own resource callled LIVING FAITH. The resource is avaliable at the masses on the weekend. Each week all familes are invited to take this home. For parents of children preparing for sacraments additional resouces will be provided. The parish has a team of catechetical leaders who will support parents in using this program as a tool in the religious education and sacramental preparation of their children.
For further information call the Parish office: 521-2206
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, as a group of three Sacraments, are called the “Sacraments of Initiation.” A Sacrament is a visible sign of God’s presence, God’s activity in our lives, in the Church and in our world. But it goes beyond that! Sacraments not only show us what God is like and what God dreams for us; Sacraments also make that happen!
So, what does Confirmation say to us about the God we believe in? Three things jump readily to mind.